Tabrakan Sepeda Motor di Karangreja, Empat Orang Mengalami Luka

 tubrukan Sepeda montor teng Karangreja, catur priyantun ngalami labet
Kecelakaan lajeng lintas antawis kalih sepeda montor kedadosan teng margi raya dhusun Siwarak, Kecamatan Karangreja, Purbalingga, Selasa (3/9/2019) sonten. akibat kecelakaan catur priyantun ngalami labet ugi kedah nyagedaken perawatan teng griya sakit.

Kecelakaan melibatkan kalih sepeda montor yaiku Honda Beat bernomor polisi R-2949-VV kaliyan Jupiter MX R-6058-YV. Honda Beat dikendarai Puji (19) warga dhusun Siwarak, Kecamatan Karangreja kaliyan pembonceng nduwe asma Liyan (8) ugi Ilyas (9). nembekaken pengendara Jupiter MX sapriyantun kakung dereng kapriksan identitasnya.

"nyagedi laporan kecelakaan anggota Polsek Karangreja lajeng ngrawuhi lokasi. lajeng numindakaken pemeriksaan, mak-alitaken barang bukti ugi nyuwun kepajaran sawilangan saksi. nembekaken korban kecelakaan sampun dipunampil warga datheng griya sakit," tembung Kapolsek Karangreja AKP Nur Susalit.

Berdasarkan kepajaran sawilangan saksi, kecelakaan kedadosan kala sepeda montor Honda Beat melaju saking arah wetan menuju kilen kaliyan tujuan ndherekne nyaos. kala badhe berbelok datheng TPQ dhusun sapanggen, dumadakan saking arah nduwe mengsahan muncul sepeda montor Jupiter dadosipun kedadosan tubrukan.

"kalih pengendara sepeda montor ngalami labet teng kageman mustaka ugi kedah nyagedaken perawatan teng griya sakit. nembekaken kalih pembonceng ingkang taksih pelajar ngalami labet ringan ugi nyagedaken perawatan teng Puskesmas Karangreja," pertela kapolsek.

Kapolsek mewahi, kagem pengendara Jupiter MX dereng kapriksan identitasnya. amargi ingkang bersangkutan mboten ngampil kertos identitas punapaa ugi dereng saged dipunsuwuni kepajaran. kala menika, pengendara Jupiter MX lebet perawatan teng griya sakit Siaga Medika Purbalingga.

"Kasus kecelakaan sepeda montor lajeng kita sedaya limpahkan penangananya datheng Unit Laka Satlantas Polres Purbalingga. kalih sepeda montor tumut diamankan dados barang buktinya," pungkas kapolsek.(*)

Motorcycle Collision in Karangreja, four people experiencing wounds
Traffic accident between two motorcycles occurred on the highway Siwarak village, District Karangreja, Purbalingga, Tuesday (3/9/2019) afternoon. Due to the accident, four people had injuries and had to get treatment at the hospital.

The accident involving two motorcycles was a Honda Beat police-numbered R-2949-VV with Jupiter MX R-6058-YV. Honda Beat was ridden by Puji (19) Villagers Siwarak, district Karangreja with ridership named Liyan (8) and Ilyas (9). While the rider Jupiter MX a man has not known his identity.

 "Find reports of accidents members of the police of Karangreja directly visit the location. Then conduct inspections, secure the evidence and ask for a description of witnesses. While the victims of accidents have brought citizens to the hospital, "said Kapolsek Karangreja AKP Nur Susalit.

According to the description of witnesses, accidents occurred when the Honda Beat motorcycle drove from the east to the west with the intention of delivering the Koran. When about to turn to the local village TPQ, suddenly from the opposite direction appeared Jupiter motorcycle so there was a collision.

"Two motorcyclists suffered a wound at the head and had to get treatment in the hospital. Meanwhile, two ridership who are still students suffer from minor injuries and get treatment in the Puskesmas Karangreja,  "Jelas Kapolsek.

Kapolsek added, for riders Jupiter MX has not yet known his identity. Because the person does not carry any identity card and can not be asked for information. Currently, the rider of Jupiter MX is in the care at hospital standby Medika Purbalingga.

 "The case of motorcycle accident then we are bestow the handle to the Unit Laka Satthus Polres Purbalingga. Two motorcycles were also secured as the proof goods,  "said Kapolsek. (*)


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