Bocah estri mandung 2 Sepeda montor Terekam CCTV
sapriyantun bocah estri berinisial A (17), Warga Karangmoncol, Purbalingga dipuntampen warga Kelurahan Tanjung, Kecamatan Purwokerto kidul, Sabtu (30/8) lajeng. A dipuntampen saksampune tampen teles mandung kalih sepeda montor ingkang terparkir teng ngajeng setunggal kantor ekspedisi.
kadadosan kesebat terungkap saking rekaman CCV ingkang terpasang teng salah satunggal kantor ekspedisi kesebat. saking rekaman CCTV kesebat, kemriksa A mondar-mandir teng sekitar lokasi sekitar gebag 12.30. dumadakan, A mundhut sepeda montor Yamaha Vega berpelat nomor R 4491 ZA kagungan Karnoto (36) warga dhusun Karangrau, Kecamatan Sokaraja. panjenenganipun kaliyan leluasa mundhut sepeda moor kesebat kaliyan upakara dituntun, lantaran mboten terkunci stang.
bibar mandung sepeda montor Karnoto, panjenenganipun lajeng ngampil sepeda montor kesebat datheng setunggal bengkel mboten tebih saking lokasi. Awalnya pangagungan bengkel ingkang mboten kresa kawastanan asmanipun mboten curiga. pamajeng ngampil sepeda montor kesebat datheng bengkel badhe nyambetaken kabel, kersanipun montor saged menyala.
rumaos aman, pamajeng kondur melancarkan aksinya kondur. Kali menika kantor ingkang wonten ing ngajeng lokasi pandungan setunggal ingkang dados sasarannya. pamajeng mundhut sepeda montor Vario berpelat nomor R 6912 LL kagungan Niksan (42) warga dhusun Tamansari, Karanglewas. ngginakaken kunci stang ingkang mboten terkunci, pamajenga kondur kaliyan leluasa menuntut sepeda montor kesebat ugi ngampilipun kondur datheng bengkel kagem nyambet kabel.
wanci berselang, korban Karnoto rumaos kecalan sepeda montoripun. panjenenganipuna ngupados ngupadi sepeda montoripun. “lajeng tembung priyantun sepeda montor kawula wonten teng bengkel. kawula lajeng rawuh datheng bengkel punika, ugi kasinggihan montor kawula wonten teng ngrika,” Karnoto dhateng Radarmas.
panjenenganipuna lajeng mencurigai pamajeng ingkang wonten kala punika taksih wonten ing bengkel. pamajeng kala punika sempat menyangkal, sayangipun saksampune dipuntunjukaken vidoe rekaman CCTV, pamajeng mboten menyangkal ngantos akhirnya dipunampil warga ka Polsek Purwokerto kidul.
kala dipunndangu polisi, kepajaran pamajeng salajeng berubah-ubah. Anggota Polsek kidula mengecek ngantos datheng panggen tilar pamajeng teng Karangmoncol. “saksampune ditelusuri, yektos pamajeng sampun mengker dalem sejak kalih taun ugi mboten wonten pirengan. punika ugi yektos priyantun yuswa angkat, priyantun yuswa sejatosipun mboten mangertos kepundi,” ngadika Kapolres Banyumas AKBP Bambang Yudhantara Salamun langkung Kanit Reskrim Polsek Purwokerto kidul. Iptu Sudiro.
amargi tingkah pajeng pamajeng ingkang karaos janggal, polisipun akhirnya memeriksakan kejiwaan pamajeng. “saking pemeriksaan, yektos pamajeng ngalami pambengan jiwa. dados kami serahkan datheng griya sakit kagem dirawat,” pungkasnya. (ali) .id/bocah-perempuan-curi-dua-motor/
Girls steal 2 motorbikes recorded on CCTV
A young girl in the initials A (17), Citizen of Karangmoncol, Purbalingga arrested residents of Tanjung village, South Purwokerto District, Saturday (30/8) then. A arrested after being caught in a wet steal two motorbikes parked in front of an expedition office.
The event was revealed from a CCV recording attached to one of the expedition's offices. From the CCTV footage, look A fro around the location around 12.30. Suddenly, A motorcycle takes A Yamaha Vega-plated number plate R 4491 ZA belongs to Karnoto (36) Citizen of Karangrau Village, District Sokaraja. He freely took the Moorish bike by being led, because the Stang was not locked.
After stealing the Karnoto motorcycle, he then brought the motorcycle to a workshop not far from the location. Initially the owner of the workshop did not want to be called unsuspecting. Perpetrators bring the motorcycle to the workshop to connect the cable, so that the motor can turn on.
Feeling safe, the perpetrator re-launched the action. This time the office was in front of the location of the first theft that was the target. The perpetrator took Vario motorcycles with the number plate R 6912 LL belongs to Niksan (42) Residents of Tamansari village, Karanglewas. Making use of the unlocked handlebar lock, the car is back with freely demanding the motorcycle and bring it back to the workshop to connect the cable.
Time ago, the victims of Karnoto felt lost their motorcycle. Iapun tried to find his motorcycle. "Then the guy said my motorcycle is in the workshop. I went straight to the workshop, and it was true that my motorcycle was there, "Karnoto told Radarmas.
Iapun immediately suspected perpetrators who were at the time still in the workshop. Perpetrators at that time denied, but after being shown the CCTV recording video, the perpetrator did not deny until finally brought the residents of South Purwokerto Polsek.
When asked the police, the information actors always change. Members of the Polsek Selatanpun also check into the residence of the perpetrator in Karangmoncol. "After being traced, it turned out that the perpetrator had left home since two years and no news. It also turned out that parents adopted, the original parents do not know where, "said the Kapolres Banyumas AKBP Bambang Yudhantara Salamun via Kanit Reskrim police South Purwokerto. Iptu Sudiro.
Because of the behavior of perpetrators who felt awkward, Polisipun finally checked the psychiatric perpetrators. "From the examination, apparently the perpetrator suffered mental disorders. So we submitted to the hospital to be treated, "he concluded. Ali
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