Buka Layanan Prostitusi di Rumah, YR Ditangkap, Warga: Ana-ana Bae!!
bikak ladosan Prostitusi teng dalem, YR dipuntampen, Warga: Ana-ana Bae!!
setunggalan Reskrim Polsek Cilacap kidul kedadosan mengungkap pamajeng pidana penyedia panggen prostitusi.
pamajeng yaiku YR (62) ingkang dipuntampen dipundalemipun ingkang wonten ing margi Teri Kelurahan Cilacap, Kecamatan Cilacap kidul Kabupaten Cilacap.
Diduga dalem kesebat sampun dipundadosaken lokasi prostitusi dening pamajeng.
"Kasus menika berawal saking wontenipun informasi saking masyarakat menawi taksih wonten panggen tilar ingkang dipundadosaken panggen kagem numindakaken prostitusi.
Hal menika tentunya ngresahaken sanget masyarakat sekitar lokasi," ujar Kasat Reskrim, AKP Onkoseno G. Sukahar dhateng Tribunjateng com, sami kaliyan lebet rilis wonten Selasa (3/9/2019).
Berdasarkan laporan kesebat unit reskrim Polsek Cilacap kidul enggal numindakaken penyelidikan.
saksampune numindakaken investigasi polisi nyagedi dilokasi kesebat dijadiakan dados lokasi praktek prostitusi.
kapriksan pamajeng yaiku dados penyedia panggen kagem dipunpajengaken panjenenganipun prostitusi.
pamajeng dipuntampen beserta barang bukti yatra ugi selajutnya dipuntumindakaken penyelidikan langkung lajeng dening unit reskrim Polsek Cilacap kidul.
pamajeng badhe dijerat kaliyan Pasal 296 KUHP amargi diduga dadosaken soca pencahariannya utawi kebiasaannya yaiku kaliyan sengaja ngawontenaken utawi nyampunaken pandamel cabul kaliyan priyantun benten.
https://jateng.tribunnews .com/2019/09/03/buka-layanan-prostitusi-di-rumah-yr-ditangkap-unit-reskrim-polsek-cilacap-selatan#article
Open Prostitution services at home, YR arrested, citizens: Ana-ana Bae!!
The Polsek unit of South Cilacap succeeded in exposing the perpetrators of prostitution.
The perpetrator is YR (62) who was arrested at his house in Jalan Teri Sub-district, Cilacap district, south of Cilacap regency.
It is suspected that the house was used as a location of prostitution.
"This case begins with information from the public that there is still a place to live where prostitution is used.
It is certainly very disturbing the community around the location, "said Kasat Reskrim, AKP Onkoseno G. Sukahar to Tribunjateng com, as in the release on Tuesday (3/9/2019).
Based on the report of the police Rescream unit Cilacap Selatan immediately conducted an investigation.
After conducting police investigations, the location was made as a site for the practice of prostitution.
Unknown perpetrators are as providers of places to do prostitution.
Perpetrators arrested and the goods evidence of money and the above are carried out further investigation by the police rescream unit of South Cilacap.
Perpetrators will be meshed with article 296 of the criminal CODE for allegedly making their livelihood or customs that deliberately conduct or facilitate obscene deeds with others.
The criminal threat itself is a prison sentence of one year and four months or a penalty of at most Rp 15 thousand. (Tribunjateng/JTI)
setunggalan Reskrim Polsek Cilacap kidul kedadosan mengungkap pamajeng pidana penyedia panggen prostitusi.
pamajeng yaiku YR (62) ingkang dipuntampen dipundalemipun ingkang wonten ing margi Teri Kelurahan Cilacap, Kecamatan Cilacap kidul Kabupaten Cilacap.
Diduga dalem kesebat sampun dipundadosaken lokasi prostitusi dening pamajeng.
"Kasus menika berawal saking wontenipun informasi saking masyarakat menawi taksih wonten panggen tilar ingkang dipundadosaken panggen kagem numindakaken prostitusi.
Hal menika tentunya ngresahaken sanget masyarakat sekitar lokasi," ujar Kasat Reskrim, AKP Onkoseno G. Sukahar dhateng Tribunjateng com, sami kaliyan lebet rilis wonten Selasa (3/9/2019).
Berdasarkan laporan kesebat unit reskrim Polsek Cilacap kidul enggal numindakaken penyelidikan.
saksampune numindakaken investigasi polisi nyagedi dilokasi kesebat dijadiakan dados lokasi praktek prostitusi.
kapriksan pamajeng yaiku dados penyedia panggen kagem dipunpajengaken panjenenganipun prostitusi.
pamajeng dipuntampen beserta barang bukti yatra ugi selajutnya dipuntumindakaken penyelidikan langkung lajeng dening unit reskrim Polsek Cilacap kidul.
pamajeng badhe dijerat kaliyan Pasal 296 KUHP amargi diduga dadosaken soca pencahariannya utawi kebiasaannya yaiku kaliyan sengaja ngawontenaken utawi nyampunaken pandamel cabul kaliyan priyantun benten.
https://jateng.tribunnews .com/2019/09/03/buka-layanan-prostitusi-di-rumah-yr-ditangkap-unit-reskrim-polsek-cilacap-selatan#article
Open Prostitution services at home, YR arrested, citizens: Ana-ana Bae!!
The Polsek unit of South Cilacap succeeded in exposing the perpetrators of prostitution.
The perpetrator is YR (62) who was arrested at his house in Jalan Teri Sub-district, Cilacap district, south of Cilacap regency.
It is suspected that the house was used as a location of prostitution.
"This case begins with information from the public that there is still a place to live where prostitution is used.
It is certainly very disturbing the community around the location, "said Kasat Reskrim, AKP Onkoseno G. Sukahar to Tribunjateng com, as in the release on Tuesday (3/9/2019).
Based on the report of the police Rescream unit Cilacap Selatan immediately conducted an investigation.
After conducting police investigations, the location was made as a site for the practice of prostitution.
Unknown perpetrators are as providers of places to do prostitution.
Perpetrators arrested and the goods evidence of money and the above are carried out further investigation by the police rescream unit of South Cilacap.
Perpetrators will be meshed with article 296 of the criminal CODE for allegedly making their livelihood or customs that deliberately conduct or facilitate obscene deeds with others.
The criminal threat itself is a prison sentence of one year and four months or a penalty of at most Rp 15 thousand. (Tribunjateng/JTI)
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