ITB akan Uji Coba Komersil Bio Avtur di Kilang Cilacap
ITB badhe Uji cobi Komersil Bio Avtur teng Kilang Cilacap
--, Jakarta - Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) madya numindakaken mengembangkan proses pangastan badhe avtur nabati kaliyan ngginakaken katalis abrit pethak. Uji cobi komersil kesebat badhe dipuntumindakaken teng Kilang RU IV Cilacap wonten awal taun 2020 ngrawuh.
"menika kami nembe ngendikakaken kagem menguji pembuaatan avtur teng Cilacap, rencananya wonten Febuari 2020 kami sakmenika nembe memproduksi katalis lebet wilangan kinten kinten 14 yuta ton," tembung guru agung Falultas Teknik Reasi Kimia ugi Katalis Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Subagyo kala dipunpanggihi teng Bandung, Jemunten (6/9/2019).
Subagyo mastani satebih menika avtur nabati piyambak dereng dikomersialkan sae teng Pertamia kresaa teng lingkungan laboraterium ITB. sayangipun sawilangan pilot projek pangastan badhe avtur nabati sampun dikantongi dening pihaknya.
"Skala pilot punika ingkang sampun wonten laboratorium. Lab punika timur menawi pilot punika sampun agung menawi kresa ngagungaken dados komersial sampun gampil," imbuh panjenenganipun.
Subagyo mewahi kapasitas Kilang IV Cilacap kagem uji komersil menika cekap agung. teng pundi, kapasitas produksi teng ngrika saged ngasilaken 13 ewu barel saben dintenipun kagem mengolah manda fosil.
"Kami kresa titip 2-5 persen. dados avturnya mangke diharapkan memgandung 2-5 persen avtur nabati," tandasnya.
Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) ngersakaken Indonesia langkung majeng lebet mengembangkan energi badhe besem, dipunantawisipun badhe besem Nabati, Avtur ugi titihan listrik.
Jokowi ngendikakaken, Indonesia sampun miwiti kaliyan program pencampuran 20 persen biodiesel kaliyan solar (B20), badhe mlebet datheng B30 campuran solar kaliyan 30 persen biodiesel. panjenenganipun pun ngersakaken capaian ingkang langkung, yaiku 100 persen badhe besem titihan biodiesel (B100).
"sayangipun kita sedaya saged langkung saking punika kita sedaya saged ngasta B100," tembung Jokowi, lebet pidato Sidang Bersam DPR-DPD, teng Gedung DPR, Jakarta, Jemunten (16/8/2019).
panjenenganipun nglajengaken, kala menika Indoensia sampun memproduksi piyambak avtur ngantos mboten impor avtur malih. sayangipun ugi saged langkung saking punika, yaiku saged ekspor avtur ugi ngginakaken badhe baken manda sawit.
"kita sedaya ugi kersa produksi avtur mbadhe sawit," ngadikanipun.
kajawi punika, Jokowi mastani Indonesia ugi sampun miwiti mbikak ruang pengembangan mobil listrik, tetap mboten namung kendel sami dipunmriku panjenenganipun kersa Indonesia mungu industri mobil listrik piyambak.
ITB to be a commercial trial of Bio Avtur at Cilacap plant
--, Jakarta-Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) is developing the manufacturing process of vegetable avtur using a red and white catalyst. The commercial trials will be conducted at the factory RU IV Cilacap at the beginning of the year 2020.
"This we are discussing to test the Avtur in Cilacap, the plan on the Febuari 2020 we are now producing a catalyst in the amount of about 14 million tonnes, " said Professor Great Falultas chemical Reasi Engineering and Catalyst of Technology Institute Bandung (ITB), Subagyo when found in Bandung, Friday (6/9/2019).
Subagyo mentioned so far the vegetable Avtur itself has not been commercialized both in Pertamia and in the environmental laboratory of ITB. However, a number of vegetable Avtur manufacturing project pilots have been collected by the side.
"The pilot scale was already a laboratory. Lab is small if the pilot is big if want to raise so the commercial is easy, "added him.
Subagyo added the capacity of Cilacap IV factory for commercial testing is quite large. Where, the production capacity there is able to produce 13 thousand barrels per day to process fossil oil.
"We want a 2-5 percent deposit. So later, it is expected that the avtur 2-5 percent of vegetable avtours, "he said.
President Joko Widodo (in Indonesia) wants more advanced in developing fuel energy, including biofuels, Avtur and electric vehicles.
So, Indonesia has started with a program of mixing 20 percent biodiesel with diesel (B20), will go into the B30 solar mixture with 30 percent biodiesel. He also wanted more access, which was 100 percent of biodiesel vehicles (B100).
"But we can more than that we can make B100, " said, in the speech of the Bersam Council of DPR-DPD, in the House of DPR, Jakarta, Friday (16/8/2019).
He continued, at this time Indoensia already produces his own avtur until no import of Avtur anymore. But it can also be more than that, it can export the Avtur and use the raw material of palm oil.
"We also want to produce avtur made from palm," he said.
In addition, the Indonesian people also started to open an electric car development room, but not only did he want Indonesia to build their own electric car industry.
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