Ruko Eks Stasiun wetan miwiti Kosong Januari kagem Purwokerto City Center
pamungon proyek Purwokerto City Center (PCC) ingkang wonten ing kawasan eks Stasiun wetan badhe dipunmiwiti Januari 2020. sayangipun, pihak PT Kereta grama Properti Manajemen (KAPM) sampun miwiti ngresikaken lokasi. pirantos awrat nampak sampun njebol pohon-pohon agung kaliyan operatornya.
wontenipun aktivitas menika berimbas wonten para penyewa kios teng kawasan kesebat. amergi, piyambakipun sedaya dipunparingi wanci ngantos Januari kagem mengosongkan kios/ruko.
“menika miwiti digarap Januari, kesepakatan dikosongkan kagem ruko kageman ngandap,” tembung Sugiantoro, Humas Paguyuban pangupados tokonan Stasiun wetan (P3ST).
Pihaknya mewahi, sanaos terdampak pamungon, para panggramen kesebat dipunawisi kagem saged nglenggahi ruko teng wungon enggal mangkenipun. “dipuntokokakenan enggal, sayangipun awis banget. Rp 2 miliar kagem sewa 20 taun, artosipun sataunipun Rp 100 yuta. Padahal teng mriki Rp 5 yuta taun. Lha, lajeng sinten ingkang kresa pundhut,” pajaripun.
Senada, VP PT KA Properti Manajemen, Yudi Alinarsaid mertelakaken, Januari namung mengosongkan ruko kageman ngandap, nembekaken ruko tirahipun nengga progress kawasan utawi ruko ngantos 60 persen. (mhd)
Shop ex East station starting in January for Purwokerto City Center
The construction of the Purwokerto City Center Project (PCC) located in the former East station area will begin in January 2020. However, the party of PT Kereta Api Property Management (KAPM) has started clearing the location. The machine seems to have plucked large trees with its operator.
This activity would affect the kiosk tenants in the area. Because, they were given until January to vacate the kiosk/shop.
"It began to be directed in January, the deal was emptied for the lower shop," said Sugiantoro, public relations of the East Station entrepreneur's Department of Shops (P3ST).
He added, despite the development affected, the merchants were offered to be able to occupy a shop in the new building later. "New, but very expensive. RP 2 billion for rent 20 years, meaning the year Rp 100 million. But here Rp 5 million per year. Lha, continuing who wants to take, "he explained.
In line, VP of PT KA Properti Management, Yudi Alinarsaid explained, January only empties the bottom shop, while the rest shop waits for the progress of the area or shophouse up to 60 percent. mHD
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