Sekolah Negeri Kok ngutang nganti atusan yuta Rupiah

SMP Negeri 1 Pekuncen isih nduweni utang Rp 137.032.200 marang rekanan. utang kesebut kanggo rehab musala, pavingisasi lan kanopi kantin.

“pas aku teka, sekolah nduwe tanggungan Rp 137.032.200. nganti dina iki durung terbayar,” tembung endhas SMP Negeri 1 Pekuncen, Siti Khusnah pas ditemoni Radarmas, Senin (2/9).

digamblangna dheweke taun nuli SMP Negeri 1 pas awake durung nugas dadi endhas sekolah Pekuncen, sekolah ningkatake kapasitas musola nganti bisa ndesa 400 wong. iki amarga kebutuhan ibadah pamawa wulang sing mendesak banget.

Siti nggamblangna, pembayaran utang dhikik diujarke terkait hal kesebut saka komite. Rehab musholla, pavingisasi lan kanopi kantin total ngentekake biaya Rp 172.032.200. saka cacah kesebut sing wis dibayar komite anyar Rp 35.000.000.

Program pisan sing arep dipayokake dheweke dadi endhas SMP Negeri 1 Pekuncen yaiku menutup utang dhisik sing ora diolehakekne nggunakne dana BOS amarga saka BOS mung oleh kanggo becikan.

dadi endhas sekolah sing wis tau nugas neng beberapa sekolah terkait cara ngutang kanggo nangi fasilitas sekolah sacara aturan kedinasan mestine dheweke ora meruhi. ning semestinya endhas sekolah ora nglakoke hal kesebut amarga arep ngewuh-ewuhi endhas sekolah anyar sing ditinggali utang.

“apaa alasannya ora sakudune begini. Jujur kanggo urusan utang aku wedi. ning aku dadi pamaris jaga mbanjurke. Ikhlas wae angger didukung saka kabeh guru insya Allah bisa menutup utang sekolah,” pungkasnya. (yda)

State School of Kok indebtedness to hundreds of millions Rupiah
State Junior High School 1 Pekuncen still has a debt of Rp 137,032,200 to the counterparty. The debt is for rehab Musala, Pavingisasi and canteen canopy.

"When I came, the school had a dependents of Rp 137,032,200. Until today has not paid off, "head of State SMP 1 Pekuncen, Siti Khusnah when encountered Radarmas, Monday (2/9).

It was explained last year SMP Negeri 1 when he had not served as head of Pekuncen school, the school increased the capacity of Musola until it can accommodate 400 people. This is because the needs of the learners are very urgent.

Siti explained, the repayment of debt was promised related to it from the Committee. Musholla Rehab, pavingization and canopy canteen total cost Rp 172,032,200. From the amount that has been paid a new committee Rp 35 million.

The first Program that will be done as head of State SMP 1 Pekuncen is to close the debt first that is not allowed to use the BOS funds because from the BOSS is only allowed for repairs.

As the headmaster who has served in several schools in the way of indebtedness to build school facilities in a rule of course he does not know. But it should be that the headmaster did not do this because it would be troublesome for new headmasters to be left with debt.

"Whatever the reason shouldn't be this. Honestly for debt affairs I was afraid. But I am as heir ready to continue. Ikhlas alone as long as supported by all teachers Insha Allah can close the school debt, "he concluded. Yda

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