Sindikat pandung Mesin Traktor Lintas Provinsi Dibekuk

tiga anggota sindikat perampokan ugi pandungan mesin traktor sabin lintas propinsi diringkus Tim Reskrim Polres Cilacap. ketiga anggota sindikat punika salira kinten Yo ugi Al warga Cianjur Jawi kilen mawi MH warga Kroya Cilacap.

sakathah 11 unit mesin traktor, setunggal unit mobil Honda Mobilio werni pethak kaliyan nopol F-1544-AA ingkang biasa dipunginakaken sindikat punika tembe beraksi diamankan. wonten ugi setunggal tas timur werni coklat, setunggal set kunci pas, setunggal pirantos tang ugi tiga batang kunci leter L dipundadosaken barang bukti dening panjejibahan.

Kapolres Cilacap AKBP Djoko Julianto didampingi Kasat Reskrim AKP Onko Gradiarso Sukahar ngendikakaken, Yo ugi Al sakmenika dipunampil Polres Cimahi amargi terlibat kasus pandungan kaliyan kekerasan utawi perampokan teng daerah kesebat. ndherekipun wonten 16 kasus pandungan mesin traktor ingkang dipuntumindakaken sindikat kesebat teng wilayah Cilacap kaliyan sasaran mesin traktor ingkang diparkir teng njawi dalem, sae teng pemahan korban kresaa teng sabinan, kala petani mlebeti musim tenem.

"Terakhir kasus pandungan ingkang dipuntumindakaken sindikat punika kedadosan teng Jeruklegi kaliyan sasaran kalih unit mesin traktor kagungan Tolib warga Cikembulan, Jeruklegi Kulon, Cilacap, wonten 29 Agustus lajeng," ngandikanipun.

kala punika, mesin traktor kesebat diparkir teng teras dalem korban tanpa dipunpepaki kunci pamak-alit. “wonten 30 Agustus dini dinten, korban dipunwungokaken tangginipun, menawi beberapa kala saderengipun, kemriksa setunggal unit mobil bak werni pethak terparkir teng pemahan korban ugi sakala lajeng kabur kaliyan ngusung kalih mesin traktor ingkang kedadosan dipreteli," lajengipun.

https://krjogja .com/web/news/read/108893/Sindikat_Pencuri_Mesin_Traktor_Lintas_Provinsi_Dibekuk

Syndicates thief machine tractors cross province smokes
 Three members of the syndicate robbery and the theft of the cross-province rice field tractor was arrested in Cilacap police ' Reskrim team. The three members of the syndicate consisted of suspected Yo and Al citizen of Cianjur West Java and MH residents of Kroya Cilacap.

A total of 11 units of tractor engines, one unit of Honda Mobilio with a white color with an F-1544-AA Nopol commonly used that syndicate when in action secured. There is also a small brown bag, a set of wrench, a pliers and three font L locks to be used as evidence by the officer.

Kapolres Cilacap AKBP Djoko Julianto accompanied by an AKP Kasat Reskrim Onko Gradiarso Sukahar said, Yo and Al are now borrowed Cimahi Polres because of the case of theft with violence or robbery in the area. According to him there are 16 cases of tractor engine theft carried out the syndicate in the region of Cilacap with the target of tractor engines parked outside the house, both in the yard of the victim's house and in the rice fields, when the farmer enters the planting season.

 "Last case of theft done the syndicate happened in Jeruklegi with the target of two units of tractor engine owned by Tolib residents of Cikembulan, Jeruklegi Kulon, Cilacap, on 29 August, " he said.

At that time, the tractor engine was parked on the victim's porch without a safety lock. "On 30 August of the day, the victim was awakened his neighbor, if some time before, seen a unit of car tub white color parked in the yard of the victim's house and briefly then blurred by transporting two tractor engines that successfully stripped down," He continued.

On the report, Cilacap police immediately conducted an investigation. But at that time, the Cilacap police received a request for help from Cimahi police to arrest two robbery suspects in Cimahi who fled to Cilacap.  "Both suspects of the robbery were successfully arrested in the area, Kroya, Cilacap, " he said.

Before submitting the suspects to Cimahi police, he was first examined in Cilacap to see the possibility of the suspects operating in Cilacap. From his confession, the suspects also carried out a tractor engine theft 16 times in the sub-district Kedungreja Gandrungmangu Bantarsari Jeruklegi Cilacap North and Adipala district.

Theft is done by working with MH Citizen Kedawung Kroya Cilacap. "From that confession we also caught MH in his home," he added.

According to the alleged MH, he was only tasked with driving a car to drop the suspect target location and acutely suspect the machine.  "Overnight we could get two units of tractor engine," he said. Otu

https://krjogja. com/WEB/news/read/108893/Sindikat_Pencuri_Mesin_Traktor_Lintas_Provinsi_Dibekuk

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