SMK Ma'arif NU 1 Sumpiuh Banyumas Ciptakan Prototype Mobil listrik
Siswa lan guru SMK Ma'arif NU 1 Sumpiuh, Kabupaten Banyumas menciptakan siji inovasi 'Molisma' (Mobil listrik Ma'arif).
Molisma yaiku siji rekayasa teknik tunggangan enteng karo menciptakan prototype mobil listrik bertenaga surya.
Inovasi kesebut tercipta berkat kerjasama antara siswa SMK jurusan teknik tunggangan enteng lan teknik tunggangan abot, beserta karo guru pembimbing.
Molisma tercipta dadi upaya ngurangi polusi udara akibat gas buwang tunggangan montor.
senajan isih butuh mbisa penyempurnaan lan becikan, ning prototype tunggangan kesebut dadi bukti kerja atos para siswa jero nggawe inovasi tunggangan grapyak lingkungan.
"Molisma, Mobil listrik Ma'arif, harapannya ben bisa luwih becik meneh.
gampang-gampang bisa disempurnakan meneh, lan sekolah bisa luwih men-support meneh.
kajaba kuwi bisa ngguna kanggo masyarakat khususnya ngurangi polusi bakal obong uga," ujar Ahmad Ngubaidillah (19), siswa kelas 12, Jurusan Teknik tunggangan enteng SMK Ma'arif NU 1 Sumpiuh, marang Tribunjateng. com, Selasa (3/9/2019).
https://www.tribunnews. com/regional/2019/09/03/siswa-dan-guru-smk-maarif-nu-1-sumpiuh-banyumas-ciptakan-prototype-mobil-listrik-tenaga-surya?page=2#article
SMK Ma'arif NU 1 Sumpiuh Banyumas create Prototype electric cars
Students and teachers of SMK Ma'arif NU 1 Sumpiuh, Kabupaten Banyumas created an innovation ' Molisma ' (Ma'arif electric car).
Molisma is a lightweight vehicle engineering prototype by creating prototypes of solar powered electric cars.
The innovation was created thanks to the cooperation between SMK students majoring in light vehicle engineering and heavy vehicle engineering, along with a mentor teacher.
Molisma was created as an attempt to reduce air pollution due to motor vehicle exhaust gases.
Although it still needs improvement and improvement, the prototype of the vehicle is proof of the hard work of the students in making innovation environmentally friendly vehicles.
"Molisma, Ma'arif electric car, hope to be better yet.
Easy-to-easily be refined, and the school can further support it again.
In addition, it can be beneficial for the community in particular reducing fuel pollution as well, "said Ahmad Ngubaidillah (19), a Grade 12 student, majoring in light vehicle engineering SMK Ma'arif NU 1 Sumpiuh, told Tribunjateng. Tue, Tuesday (3/9/2019).
Achmad tells me if the process of the workmanship itself is completely from scratch.
From welding to crafting and assembling everything is done from scratch.
"The manufacturing process is done by 4 teams of 8 students and assisted by two instructors who have less time spent about 4 months, " he said.
The initial idea of making prototype solar cars emerged from their teachers, which later the students also participated and innovated.
However, Achmad and his colleagues claimed to get a wide variety of difficulties in making this Molisma.
"Difficulties must exist, many in fact.
Examples are components ranging from the cutting of the iron all the manual, all done by yourself, "added.
Edi Purwanto, as the head of Automotive engineering Department, SMK Ma'arif NU 1 Sumpiuh said if the cost of making prototype electric car cost worth Rp 35 million.
"If the total project is worth Rp 35 million it is done outside of business hours.
Done when students have finished home with a daily duration of three hours for 4 months, "he said.
Edi explains if the technical specification of this ' Molisma ' car prototype is using a BL DC Dinamo.
The latest type of dynamo that can fulfill electricity for electric cars with a capacity of 3,000 watts.
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