Warga Purbalingga Dihebohkan Hoax Penculikan Anak Lagi

Warga Purbalingga Dihebohkan Hoax Penculikan putra malih
warta coben penculikan sapriyantun putra bersuia 10 taun teng wilayah Dusun Curgecang RT 2 RW 2, Kelurahan Purbalingga Kidul, Kecamatan Purbalingga kedhawah wiyar teng Kabupaten Purbalingga. kajawi punika, ugi muncul teng manjenenganipun sosial Facebook. lebet pesan kesebat, ibu sang putra nyerataken saliranipun bersyukur menawi putra rakanipun saweg kemawon lolos saking coben penculikan.

Isinya, Asalamualaikum,mff ibu2 yg kagungan putra timur mohon putranipun ampun ameng jauh2, wau kedadosan kirang lbh jm 4 sonten, wonten penculikan,(ank kawula). Untung saged meloloskan salira. Penculiknya mlebet gang. Anaku teng tarik2 sampe datheng jln raya.mulut teng bungkam.mau teng mlebetan datheng dlm mobil. Penculiknya 2 org, ampil mobil.syukur alhmdlh anaku msh dlm lindunganNya?? panjenenganipun saged meloloskan salira kaliyan menggigit asta penculiknya. ugi melempar topi datheng soca penculiknya,trus pundhut sela teng lempar datheng penculiknya,sehingga saged lolos, Alhamdulilah nuwun inggih Alloh. Beberapa warga ngaken sempat pitados kaliyan pirengan kesebat.

Kapolres Purbalingga AKBP Kholilur Rochman langkung Kasat Reskrim Polres Purbalingga AKP Willy Budianto ngendikakaken, mriksani warta ingkang berkembang teng manjenenganipun sosial kesebat, pihaknya lajeng numindakaken pengecekan lajeng datheng lapangan.

“Kami ngrawuhi keluarga putra raka ingkang diduga dados korban coben penculikan. Kami numindakaken kros cek langung kadadosan kesebat dhateng putra ugi ibunipun. yektos, kami simpulkan mboten wonten kedadosan coben penculikan,” pertelanipun, Rabu (4 September 2019).

amergi, saking bukti-bukti ingkang kami kempalaken teng lapangan, klebet mriksani rekaman cctv ingkang wonten ing sekitar lokasi ingkang diklaim dados lokasi coben penculikan, mboten wonten bukti ingkang mrataken pandaleman putra kesebat.

“ceriosipun panjenenganipun badhe dipunmlebetaken mlebet mobil ingkang ngagungani konten sliding. yektos, wonten dinten punika mboten nate wonten mobil kaliyan ciri-ciri ingkang diungkapkan dening putra kesebat teng sekitar lokasi. mekaten ugi bekas labet wonten putra, ingkang ngaken sempat dhawah tembe mengsah penculik,” pertelanipun.

priyantun yuswa pun putra raka ingkang winados asmanipun kesebat, ugi ngakeni menawi saliranipun kesesa menyimpulkan cerios sang putra ugi ndhawahaken datheng manjenenganipun sosial. amargi wingkingan kapriksan, yektos cerios putra kakungipun mboten kasinggihan.

“kawula ngajeng-ajeng, warga Purbalingga mboten terpancing kaliyan warta hoax menika penculikan putra menika,” imbuhnya.

lintas24. com

The Hoax citizen kidnapping children again
News of the trial of a child aged 10 years in Curgecang Hamlet RT 2 RW 2, village of Purbalingga Kidul, Purbalingga District is widespread in Purbalingga Regency. In addition, it also appears on social media Facebook. In the message, the mother of the child writes herself grateful that her son had just escaped the kidnapping attempt.

The contents, Asalamualaikum, MFF ibu2 who have a small child please do not play JAUH2, the incident is less lbh JM 4 pm, there is kidnapping, (ank me). Fortunately can escape. The kidnappers enter the alley. Anaku at Tarik2 Sampe to Jln Raya. Mouth in the bunker. Want in the input into the car. Kidnappers 2 org, take the car. Thank you for your gratitude? He could escape by biting his captors ' hands. And throwing a hat to his captor's eyes, Trus take the stone at the throw to his captor, so that he can escape, Alhamdulilah ya Alloh. Some residents claimed to have believed in the news.

Kapolres Purbalingga AKBP Kholilur Rochman through the naked Police Reskrim Purbalingga AKP Willy Budianto said, knowing the news that develops on the social media, it directly checks directly into the field.

"We went to the family of boys who allegedly became victims of the abduction experiment. We do the check of the event for the child and his mother. As it turns out, we concluded there was no trial event of kidnapping, "he explained, Wednesday (4 September 2019).

Because, from the evidence we collected in the field, including seeing the CCTV footage that is around the location claimed to be the location of the kidnapping experiments, there is no evidence of strengthening the child's recognition.

"The story will be put in a car that has sliding doors. Apparently, on that day there was never a car with the features expressed by the child around the site. So also the scar in the child, who claimed to have fallen against the kidnapper, "he explained.

The parents of the boy whose name was concealed, also admitted that he rushed to conclude the child's story and spread to social media. Because it was later known, apparently his son's story is not true.

"I hope, the people of Purbalingga not hooked with this hoax news of this child's abduction," he added.

lintas24. Com

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